Entry #008 - First Days

Hello, myself from the future.

The start of my 2021 was not the greatest. I usually go to bed at around 3:00 AM and manage to fall asleep around 4:00. Today, however, I was not able to go to sleep until 6:00. Moreover, I woke up many times throughout the night. I had a minor headache throughout the day and I also kept dropping stuff on the floor, which was very annoying. To top it all off, I finally finished Farcry 4. The ending of the story really left me empty. Future me, you know what I am talking about. 

This reminds me to talk about the first few days of my college experience. On the first or second day of arriving at the dorm, I bought that gaming PC from the facebook seller. The transaction went really nicely and the PC worked amazingly. It was a great value. It really helped me out throughout the fall semester. Having a big screen helps a lot when everything that you do is online. 

At the beginning of the semester, I had two in-person classes. After the first 8 weeks of school, it got reduced to one in-person class per week. I would have to say that the in-person class had to be the highlight of my college experience so far. That is where I became friends with a couple of people. It is much easier to make friends when you can see them face to face. 

Ironically, all of my roommates do not have in-person classes next semester. Meanwhile, I have two in-person classes each week. They are also 2 hours long. I planned things out with the friend I made in my chemistry class so that we would be in the same class this time as well. I hope I can make more friends in the upcoming semester. 

I have also talked about how I am taking in more course loads. I have 17 hours of credits lined up next semester over this semester's 15 hours of credits. I am also taking a more advanced chemistry class and biology class as well. Other than that, I have a rhetorical class (because I failed my AP credit test) and an easy asynchronous class. I do believe that as long as I use the same methods and incorporate the same studying habits as I have done, I would be able to pull off all A's once again. 

Lastly, I will talk more about the stock trading account that I have created later but for now, I want to invest in more recovery stocks for when COVID-19 goes away. Right now I have investments in United Airlines and Royal Caribbean Cruise. I have put in $200 today and I am planning to use all of it to invest in a mortgage stock. It turns out that mortgage stocks are down by 80% because of COVID and still has not recovered. It is a huge risk because I do not know much about these stocks in particular but I believe that this will be a good learning experience for me regardless. After all, big risks equal big rewards.

First day at new job
