Hello, myself from the future.
The current time right now is August 18th 2020 11:34 PM. When I finish this blog, it will be Wednesday of August 19th. I have one more day to go until I move in to my university housing.
Today (18th) I hung out with my friends for the last time in my town. I probably would still text them from time to time and even go to some of their running meets. But as I was leaving the basketball court/play ground, I couldn't help but feel empty inside. I've known some of these individuals for all of high school. It was a bitter-sweet moment and I didn't realize how much bond I've made with them until I got in my car to head home. I know they will all succeed in life, they have great determination and I am proud to call them my friends. I can only hope that I can meet more people like that in college.
I also have a dentist appointment tomorrow. It's a day before heading to college so even if I have a cavity I probably won't be able to take care of that for a while. Which is a terrible news because I am 80% sure that I do indeed have a cavity. It doesn't hurt of anything, but I do see a small black/brown peck on my lower inside tooth, next to my growing wisdom tooth. I will be sure to update you on that when I find out about it tomorrow.
My next entry most likely won't be until I get settled into the dorm. I can only hope that everything goes smoothly and I don't get the Covid-19 in the process. Who knows, maybe I will be typing my next entry on my new gaming PC that I've bought from the Facebook marketplace. If anyone is reading this and I don't post an update, I might have been killed or kidnapped by the seller. Let's hope that doesn't happen.
Now on to the new chapter of my life!
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