Entry #005 - My inspiration in high school

Hello, myself from the future.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of going to one of my friends' bonfire before he moved to college. It wasn't our first time having a bonfire or anything but it was our last. He would move to college and because my family was selling our house here and buying a house at Champaign, it meant that I would probably never see him again. It was a bittersweet moment and it made me realize that I would most likely never come back to this town again. I've lived in this town for nearly half of my life and made many memories, good and bad. Even though I made more mistakes than right choices in my adolescent years in this town, I don't regret anything. It made me who I am today, and I am confident that I will not be making my fatal mistakes in college because I've learned from it. 

Without a doubt, my biggest inspiration in high school had to be my Cross Country/Distance Track coach. As I've said in my previous blogs, he was one of the reasons why I kept running even though I hated running. From the very beginning from freshman year, he greeted me with a smile. Whenever I would talk to him, he would start a conversation with a smile. Whenever I was injured, he would always check up on me even before I was one of the top runners on the team. He cared about every runner on the team, even the slackers. In my first semester of senior year, I had the pleasure of taking one of his classes as well. Even in class, he was helpful to everyone and taught the class enthusiastically with a smile. The class was dubbed as one of the easier classes in school, but I still only received a B in the class because I was/am just bad at anything business related (I will talk about that in the next entry). It is only my hope that one day I can become a valuable asset in society like him. 

T minus 7 days before moving in. 
Let's make the next 6 days worth it!
