Hello, myself from the future,
Nobody could have expected something as catastrophic in 2020 as the Covid-19 or the Corona Virus, as it is more commonly known for the regular muggles. I myself, have declared 2020 to be my best year ever, where college begins, I turn 18, and start my adulthood. This was supposed to be the year of Yong and in a strange way, it did turn out to be.
It's the beginning of the new year and I am dreading everything. I don't consider myself an average American student. I dread some things that some people look forward to. And because it is my senior year, I had senior stuff to tremble about. One of the things that I dreaded were being recognized for my part in school activities. Activities such as Track and Band that I was part of. I always thought those were the crigiest things to take part in. Standing in front of a random crowd waiting for your name to be called to walk down some paved road to hear some clapping hands. It's a total waste of time and embarrassment is what it is. But thanks to the Corona virus, all the activities were generally canceled so I didn't worry about that.
Another thing that I was dreading was prom. Now as an alpha male, I did go to prom my junior year (with a girl) just to say that I went. I didn't want to be one of those sad youtubers that never went to prom in high school. I never liked dances and I still hate dances but I went just so I don't regret it later on. But I thought that perhaps this would be a turning point for me. I would have fun and eventually come to love dances and the party atmosphere. I was wrong. Prom night probably was one of the worst nights of my life. I hated every second of it. I will probably get into detail about that in later entries. If there was one thing that I liked about that night, it was the campfire after prom. Not because it was necessarily fun, but because it was assurance that it was all over. After the campfire I could go home and dread about next year's prom. Luckily, I didn't have to plan any lame prom proposals this year because before April even rolled around, we were quarantined and never came back to school.
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